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Is this you, love?

Maybe you’ve always felt different. Maybe you’ve always had a deep sense of knowing that you’re made for something bigger but couldn’t figure out what it was. You instinctively know that you’re made for bigger things but feel stuck and unfulfilled in your corporate job.

You feel boxed in or caged in by society. Maybe you’ve had past traumas that made you shrink and play small and dim your light.

You became a codependent people-pleaser because your survival depended on masking your true self and downplaying your own desires, not expressing your needs.

You thought your salvation lay outside of you. A romantic partner. You never knew how to love yourself.

You are a wellspring of inner strength. There is a raw power inside of you that is waiting to be unleashed. But first you have to be willing to face your shadows so you can alchemise them into pure light.

And let your inner shine radiate out from the core of your being like the sun.

The world needs you at your most authentic, fully expressed self.

When you’re your fully expressed self, the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and you will naturally be guided to your unique mission in this lifetime.

Your dharma. Your soul purpose.

Let’s journey together to dive deep and uncover who you really are.

It's time for you to shine, love. Are you ready?

Discover Your Inner Shine (8-session package)

This is the coaching package I wish I had when I was on my healing journey!

Discover your true self, build your self-love and self-confidence in 16 weeks through coaching and reiki energy healing.


This package focuses on the root, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras and addresses the following themes:

  • inner child healing & cultivating an inner sense of safety

  • emotional management, shadow work & embodiment practices

  • managing imposter syndrome and other self-worth issues

  • learning self-love and managing boundaries


You will also receive a reading of your human design chart to gain an understanding of your unique energy blueprint, the best way for you to make decisions and how to move through life with greater ease.


Each fortnightly session is 90 minutes, consisting of 60 minutes of coaching and 30 minutes of reiki energy healing to raise your frequency and assist with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual healing.


The structure above is customisable according to your needs and desired outcomes.

Shine Your Light (10-session package)

No two journeys are exactly the same. Why should your path to your soul purpose be any different?

Find and embody your unique soul purpose (dharma) in 20 weeks with this bespoke, tailored-for-you journey. 


This package will be designed for your individual needs, with the objective of helping you to find your soul purpose and share your divine gifts with the world.


Sessions may also include the following modalities and techniques, depending on what you need:

  • reiki energy healing to support your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being

  • quantum alchemy to achieve rapid transformation

  • yoga, myofascial release or other somatic work to deepen your connection with your body

  • human design reading for you to discover your true essence

  • inner child work and shadow work to love and accept every part of your divine self


Each fortnightly session is 90 minutes. In between your sessions, you can enjoy exclusive support through Voxer. With this package, you will also receive a weekly mini tarot/oracle reading just for you, allowing you to tap into the energy of the week and shift into alignment with more ease.


Book a free 30-minute connection call

Are you ready to say YES to yourself? Drop me a message or book a 30 minute connection call!

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